Thursday, June 19, 2008

Time to babyproof!

That's right, Rees is officially crawling! Oh how time flies, it seems like she grew up over night. She is not moving around very fast (thank goodness!) but she can get where she wants to go. Here is a little video of her first crawling experience. She had to take a break for a big cheeser smile.


Matt & Ali said...

Hey Lisa! Funny thing is the day i saw Amanda i asked about you. Then i came home and saw you on facebook. But anyway your kids are so cute! I feel like im going to be such an old mommy. But we do want some time first. I just hope its not four years like Matt sometimes says... Anyway its good to chat with ya and see your blog! I love to look and read everyones! Its almost an addiction. Have a grand weekend=)

Scott and Krista said...

Wow! Crawling is so bitter sweet for mom's. On one hand it is sad that they are starting to grow up, you want them to stay little. On the other hand it is so exciting to watch them learn and grow.

Life gets a lot more busy when you have 3 movable ones! GOOD LUCK!

Anna said...

So fun. She's adorable. I love all the pictures you added on the slide.