My boy turned 4 a couple of weeks ago! I can't believe he is getting so big.
Just a few of my favorite things about TJ right now:
- He is very affectionate. He gives me an amazing amount of hugs every day and I absolutely love it. He also always tells me how much he loves me. He is funny because he is always very careful to make sure to tell me he loves Daddy the same as he loves me.
- Jared's sister lives next door to us and has cows and chickens. For some reason he has made it a point to bless the cows and the chickens every time we pray.
- Whenever I get mad at him he always says, "But I still love you, Mom." Seriously, how can you stay mad after he says something like that?
- He loves to work, especially outside with his dad. He would choose to do that over anything in the world.
- He loves anything that has to do with dinosaurs or sports. He has decided we are going to name our baby "sports".
There are a million other things I love about my little guy, most of all he is just the sweetest little boy ever!
For his birthday we went with my Dad and his young men from Idaho to a Jazz game. TJ was SO excited!!! Here are some pictures from the game. We got to go early and sit on the floor and watch a few of the players warm up.