Jared, me, and my dad took TJ and Emma sledding today while my mom stayed home with Rees. (Thanks mom!) It was a little cold and it took some time to find a good hill on one of the dry farms here in Idaho but it was a lot of fun!
Getting ready to go. Don't they look excited?
The Fam (except Rees)
The kids got tired and cold and were really ready to go home and get warm!
Cute TJ and his milk mustache from breakfast. What a slacker mom!
Emma Lou. You can see Jared in the background, one of our tubes blew away (it was pretty windy) and he had to run and get it. Emma thought it was funny and decided to let hers go so I ran after it and tripped in the snow, dropping my tube. So Jared ended up carrying three runaway tubes back. It was pretty funny.
Jared and the kids
Grandpa and Emma. Cute!
TJ loves his grandpa!
This video is of my dad going down the hill. There was a road at the bottom of the hill that we had to stop before and it was really hard when we were on the big tube. So, Jared figured out a good way to help the person on the tube stop. I was going down and was getting close to the road and couldn't jump off or reach the ground to stop so Jared ran over to me and dove in front of the tube sending me flying. It was pretty funny. We didn't get a video of me but of my dad who went right after me.
Those pictures are all so dang cute! I love the picture of Jared way off in the back getting the tubes. Funny!
Cute pictures. That looks so fun! I'm really jealous, we have had about one inch of snow this entire winter season and that's it! Keith got me this beautiful new coat for Christmas and I've worn it like twice because it's so dang warm here lately! Loved the post.
Too fun! We really need to get our act together and make the call and have a party! Why do we never see eachother? Is Emma really Emma Lou? because my mom is Emma Lou and I didn't remember that but I love it if she is! Anyway, you should come sledding at my parents' house next time you are up here, the hill isn't as big, but you don't have to sacrifice your body to stop before crossing a road! And Tanner needs a little boy to play with! But it looks like you all had fun!
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