Thursday, July 24, 2008

Farmington Festival Days

I ran in my first 5K for the Festival Days this year. Jared and I ran together, he was nice enough to wait for me and not run ahead. We ran it in 27 minutes, which is pretty good for me. It was a lot of fun and I would definitely like to do it again.

Later that day we went to the park with the kids and had lots of hot dogs and snow cones while we watched a baseball game and let the kids run around. It was such a fun day!!!

At the park relaxing and eating snow cones


aShLie JaNe said...

You have the CUTEST kids!! :) How are you doing?

Madison Grunig said...

You guys are all so cute. And good for you to run a 5K! I really hate running and always admire people that will do it.